🐣 Happy Easter 🐇

It’s Good Friday, and all good things come to those who wait, like chocolate!

I hope the Easter Bunny is going to be generous to you all!

But perhaps if he isn’t, maybe the Easter Chick will step in!

It’s a nice time for those of us who love our food: lamb, chocolate, hot cross buns, simnel cake, etc. and everything is fine in moderation, which is exactly why I became a mod! 😅
So, I will be having a hot cross bun today and one a day over the weekend, and I shall enjoy those. Even though they are available all year round, I only buy them at Easter, and then only the traditional ones, not some of the weird and wonderful flavours that they offer these days. And it will be lamb on Easter Sunday.

My day of birth was actually on Easter Sunday, way back when, and the doctor was most put out at being called away from his lunch as my mother had a home birth. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on my first Easter chocolate, obviously! 😅

And I am sure some chocolate will be the order of the day at some point this weekend. My birthday and Easter being so close together is not normally good for my waistline!
But a wolf has to do what a wolf has to do!

Whatever treats you may be having this Easter, enjoy them, as we only pass this way once, and every day should be made the most of!

So, this Good Friday, let’s have a good time sharing all things Easter in whatever form you want. And pass the Easter eggs!


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


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