Adopt a Ferret

Ferrets are amusing creatures who love fun, to jump about and squeak to talk.

We used to have one who lived in the garden for a while who we named Fred, but sadly one spring his instincts got the better of him and off he went. 

They make good pets but have sharp teeth, but so do all pets.
Ours used to go and help Taff in the garden and never bothered the cats. He used to eat just outside their greenhouse.  

They are lovable and fun, so this month is all about finding out what they are like and if they would be a suitable pet for you. 

They get on well with other animals

They are lovable pets and a lot of fun, but like getting any pet, it needs thinking about. Like any pet, they can get ill and need the vet, which nowadays is not cheap.
There are websites to tell you how t0 look after them, and the best place to get one from, you can get them from rescue centres as well as breeders. I would go for a rescue.

If you don't want to adopt, learn a bit about them. They are fun animals. You can get information from the internet or books, and watch some vids, and you will see what playful pets they make. Don’t discount them as pets next time you want a furry friend.

Today, let’s enjoy some ferrets, and post all things ferret-related, pics, gifs, etc.


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music




🐣 Happy Easter 🐇