National Puppy Day

Yes, today is Puppy Day, and what a cute little subject that is for a discussion!

But many people just see the cuteness and don’t realise that a puppy is a lot of work: housetraining, socialising, training them to follow commands and walk on a lead, etc. You have to be committed to doing all of this for the puppy’s sake.
I hate to see puppies dumped just because a human can’t be bothered to do what is needed.

But if you do decide to take a puppy on - chewed shoes, little puddles and all - you get back a thousand-fold what you put in!
They are so much fun!
You can watch them grow up, and hopefully, you can have many, many happy years in their delightful company.

Have you ever had a puppy?
If so, what sort was it? All are completely cute!
Did they have any endearing little pranks that they played on you?

This Puppy Day, let’s celebrate all the fun of puppies in whatever way you wish: music, memes, gifs, videos, etc.


I live in the UK, and enjoy walking, gardening, computers and technology, art and music. I care deeply about all animals - especially dogs, horses and cats - and the natural world.


🐣 Happy Easter 🐇


It’s Equinox Time