👩‍🍳Let’s Cook👨‍🍳

We all eat food, but how many actually plan a meal, make sure they have all the ingredients, and enjoy cooking it?

It seems today that people are too lazy to cook even a simple meal, and that is a sad state of affairs. It doesn't take long to cook a nice basic meal, and does you a lot more good than takeaways, junk food, or just grabbing the first tin in the cupboard and opening it without giving it any thought at all.

There are so many convenience meals nowadays, overpriced, over-salted and no flavour, and full of preservatives. We get veg that has been cleaned and chopped, veg in tins and frozen, even potatoes in a packet!! Our parents would have had a blue fit seeing all the expensive rubbish that is sold today that is classed as food. Most of which are an insult to what they are supposed to be. They are soggy, tasteless and expensive.
How long does it take to prepare some veg to go with a meal? And you know it’s fresh, tasty and healthy.

Our Parents and Grandparents would cook a proper meal often 3 times a day to keep the family healthy, and there were very few overweight children, or adults around in those days, and no prepared stuff about then. Ok, supermarket veg isn’t great, but unless you can grow a bit, it’s one of the best you will get, apart from a local farm shop, which sells their own grown stuff as well as bought in.

In the 60s/70s takeaway and fast food were a very rare treat and boxed meals and tv dinners were unheard of. There was the odd treat of fish and chips wrapped in newspaper, wonderful!

Home cooking is cheaper to prepare generally than shop-bought stuff, more nutritious and better overall for you, and no preservatives either!

And you even get to wear a Chef’s hat!

A great way to cook is a slow cooker, which cooks casseroles to perfection and even benefits from cheap cuts of meat. Takes no time to prepare. We used to put it on in the morning before going out, and come home in the evening to a wonderful smell of something warm and hearty on a cold winter’s day. They also cook joints, porridge and all sorts of stuff, and all you need is a bog-standard one, and they are very cheap to buy. Every home should have one!

Looks great to me for a cold winter’s evening!

There is no excuse for not cooking really. There are plenty of recipes online for whatever you want to make, cookery books in charity shops are being given away, and anybody can follow a recipe. So go into your kitchen, refresh your memory on what tools you have to cook with, then look into your cupboard and see what ingredients you have and get cooking.

There is nothing as satisfying as sitting down to a proper home-cooked meal, and if you grow your own veg as well that is the icing on the cake.

So today, let's hear some of your favourite meals, and recipes if not too long, and let's enjoy some proper home-cooked food!

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.


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