🌹🌺🌻It’s Perennial Gardening Month🌹🌺🌻

June is Perennial Gardening Month, cos usually by now a lot of Perennial flowers are in full bloom and the garden is looking lovely.

The celebration this month is to show how good a perennial garden is, from sun-loving plants to ones that love deep shade.  The beauty of them is that you don't need to replant them every year, and really the only real work is to dig them up every few years and split them, and you have more plants!

They have everything going for them and are low maintenance and generally very hardy and robust, so a perfect choice for any new or existing garden. 

Hosta in flower

Hosta, they are easy to keep and lovely when flower as well as their foilage

The celebration was first established in 2001 to educate gardeners about perennials.  A perennial will last you for years and years and gets bigger and better with every year.  Some have very beautiful foliage as well.
A Perennial Garden is great for wildlife as well, and they need as much help as they can get

Perennial grasses are great

When you have too many of the same plant, swap or give some away, or hold a local boot sale and get a few bob for your hard work. It's a win-win situation.

To celebrate this month, go and visit a botanical garden centre and I bet you will come back with a plant you must have, even though you have no room. 

To pamper your plants and to spend a therapeutic hour in the garden, trim off some dead leaves, put a bit of fresh compost around them and deadhead any flowers that have finished. They will thank you for it. 

English Lavender the butterflies and the bees love it.


Gypsophilia great for cutting and adding to flower vases

So do you grow perennials for your garden, or do you spend a fortune each year on annual plants?
Let us know your preference, and any pics of your gardens would be great, but above all enjoy your garden. 


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


Solstice Time


🎂 Happy Birthday, Amalthea 🎁