The Chat Shack

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☀️It’s Hot, Hot, Hot☀️

Well, to say it is hot is an understatement, but be careful what you wish for. I know we need rain, but it does need to know when to stop.

These temperatures are exceptional for the UK and we can't handle it, and at the end of the day, it is not good for you.

Whilst we all like to see a bit of sunshine and warm weather, this weather is not pleasant and does a lot of damage. Plant life dies off through lack of water, animals in the wild can die of thirst, the garden gives up as it is too hot for most plants over here, and even with sprinkling, it is not the same as a downpour of rain. So, all in all, cooler and some rain is much better for us all.

Nice shady spot to sit

Few degrees cooler and your garden flowers will look like this

How to stay cool is to keep in the shade and avoid the hottest part of the day, and drink plenty of water. Sleeping is another factor. The best way is to close your bedroom curtains in the afternoon and have a fan on during the night. It does make a difference

This looks very appealing at the moment

This is even better, a lovely view and some nice shade

Those of us with animals must ensure that there is plenty of water around for them, and don't let them lay out in the hot sun, even if it means keeping the cats indoors. Even cats can get heat exhaustion. Do NOT walk a dog when it is really hot. Or leave an animal in a hot car. They can die within 20 minutes.
If the animals get too hot, get a cold wet towel and wipe their ears and paws. This applies to cats as well. Don't forget we can keep cool, they can't they have a fur coat on. Don’t worry if they don’t eat so much, we tend not to when it’s hot. Just make sure they have a cool place to go to and keep an eye on any outdoor cats.
We mustn’t forget horses either, as they are popular pets, but they need plenty of water and somewhere cool to go and graze.

Why not freeze some of his favourite treats into the ice cubes

One of the best things to get a dog for the summer although some may not use it !

So let us know what you think of this weather. Do you like it? Do you sit out in it? And if so, don't forget your sun barrier creams. A good one is P20 which lasts for ages and is even waterproof.

Ok, well, we can't do anything about the weather, so let's just have some sunshine fun and make the most of it!

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.