💰Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?💰
Who wants to be a Millionaire? Think carefully before shouting I do. This sort of money is won on things like the lottery, premium bonds, and the Euro lottery, plus much more.
A millionaire is someone who is worth a million units in his or her country's currency. According to the 2014 Global Wealth Report, a study conducted by the Boston Consulting Group, there were about 16 million millionaire households in 2013. The United States had the highest number of millionaires at 7.1 million households, with China coming in second at 2.4 million millionaire households.
What would you do if you won a million pounds? There are so many options. You could pay off your mortgage and any other debts and sit back and enjoy life. Give some of it to friends and family. Invest it, which is the obvious, but get sound advice on that one, or you could lose the lot. Or give a lot of it away to charity, which is what I would do. Then there is the stupid option of spend spend spend.
Any contributions gratefully accepted !
We don't need that sort of money to live on, especially as you get older, so why not make other people very happy and do some good with it, whilst of course, keeping some back as a rainy day fund.
Nowadays, a rainy day fund is a necessity the way prices are escalating and those without one are going to find it very difficult in the coming months.
The thought of all that money is very exciting I have to say, but to win it you have to be in it, as the National Lottery will tell you, which is very true. The odds on winning that sort of money are stacked against you, but we can all dream.
So let's have some fun today deciding what we would do with that sort of money and tell us what you would do with it if you were lucky enough to win that amount. But don’t forget money can’t buy your health or your happiness.
Let’s have a day of feeling rich and being able to buy anything we want by posting money related gifs, pics, and music.
All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.