What's Your Favourite Time of the Year?
Well, this is Winter time and, by far, not my favourite time of year. Winter is a cold depressing dark time, and the weather affects a lot of people. Most, I think, find it a depressing time of year. Christmas is good and that does tend to brighten Winter up, but other than that it has nothing going for it.
Actually there is one other good thing about Winter, not that we get much of nowadays, and that is snow. It is lovely to see virginal snow all over the fields from every window. Ok we have got snowed in about twice in thirty plus years, but it is worth it to see the snow just fallen, and of course the dogs love it
Autumn is the season of lovely colours in the garden, of falling leaves, it’s great fun to kick through a huge pile of them, but other than that again a dismal time. Everything generally is finished in the garden, and although there still is some colour, the beautiful summer colours have gone for another year. The clocks go back so it is dark very early as well and does nothing apart from upsetting your body clock. The weather starts to get colder and there is a nip in the air, and cobwebs outside for you to walk into, not to mention the Spiders in your house come to life!
Summer. The long lazy hazy days of summer, well, that's what they used to be when you had some lovely sunshine for weeks on end. Time to go out and enjoy it. Unfortunately, the last few years we haven't had much of a summer, in fact, the weather all year hasn't varied that much really, been a bit warmer in the summer than winter though. Summer hols, oh how much fun they were, especially when you were a child. Great fun, playing out til bedtime and not having a care in the world. The wildlife is now in full swing and a lot will be having young. Nothing like walking about and seeing baby animals in the fields. Lazy days on the beaches, and long light evenings to have a barbie in your garden with friends. A time to have fun.
Spring, the season of everything being reborn, my favourite time of the year. The garden springs to life, the weather starts to improve and the clocks go forward to lighter evenings. The winter blues seem to fade away in Spring. Birds start to nest and lambs are a familiar sight in the fields. Of course, as well “In the spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love’’!
I love the spring blossom on the trees
All four seasons make such beautiful pictures as only Nature can
So let us know which season you prefer and why. There are pros and cons to them all. Post some of your photographs relating to these seasons if you have any. All seasons have their good and bad points and of course we need them all for Nature to work her magic .
All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.