🗑️🗑️Things We Can’t Bear To Part With🗑️🗑️

Over the years, we all manage to acquire a lot of stuff. Some we have bought, some left to us, and some were presents, for Christmas and/or birthdays.
Usually, it is stuff we like at the time and not impulse buys, which are very silly and usually a waste of money. Hence, we end up with a lot of clutter around the house, so a time comes when we have to think about stuff.
Clutter makes cleaning very difficult and time-consuming, having to move stuff to dust and hoover.

We generally end up with far too much stuff, some of which we may not even like now. But there are always a few items we cannot bear to part with, maybe sentimental, maybe valuable, or maybe no way is that going, I love it. 

The truth is we need to declutter our homes, garages and sheds, get rid of what we don't use or like, and make our lives easier.  There is nothing worse than looking for something, and you can't find it cos of clutter, or having to move stuff off the dining room table or sofa so you can sit down and enjoy a meal at the table. 

Go through the house room by room, make 3 piles, bin it as it's no good, sell or charity shop it, and not a chance in hell of getting rid of that.
Once done, your house, etc. will look a lot better, and you will feel better without clutter all over the place and spend less time looking for stuff.

So what about stuff you can’t bear to part with for one reason or another. We all have some stuff.
I have a bit mostly from my parents, some Doulton Figurines, which I hated but wouldn't part with now, expensive cut glassware, and a Royal Doulton complete dinner service and coffee service, which was bought for my first wedding 50 years ago.
Once you have decided what you want to keep, look at it carefully and think again, if the answer is still it stays, then give it a good clean and put it on show. There’s no point having stuff shut away in drawers. If you want to keep it, you need to enjoy it and use it.

So, post all things relating to clutter, things you wouldn't part with, including pics, gifs, music, etc., and let's remove clutter from our lives, cos no, generally, it won't come in useful later. 


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


🥜🥜It’s Peanut Month🥜🥜


Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus