🍔🧀It’s National Cheddar Cheese Day 🍔🧀

Cheddar is probably one of the most popular cheeses there is. It comes in a range of flavours and strengths. 
Put it like this you can't beat a good strong mature cheddar, it bites you back. 

Cheddar cheese dates back to about the 12th century. The legend goes that a young woman placed a pail of milk in a cave to keep cool on a hot day, which they used to do in Somerset, and forgot about it. When she returned she had cheddar cheese!!

Royalty began to enjoy the flavour, and it quickly became popular around England and then moved to Europe.
It moved to the New World with settlers who started making cheddar in the USA. By 1790, the colonists were making their own and exporting it back to England. 
In 1851, the world's first cheese factory was opened in New York, and the largest production of their cheese was cheddar. Wisconsin produces the most cheddar cheese in the US, and it is the most commonly used for cheeseburgers.

National Cheddar Day Timeline


Cheddar cheese is born.

Created in a village called Cheddar in Somerset it became very popular with royals and nobles.


Henry II purchased cheddar.

Records show that the King purchased more than 10,000 pounds of this cheese.

Mid 1800s

Joseph Harding creates modern processes.

He is often called "The Father of Cheddar" as he is credited with the production formula for modern cheddar cheese.

19th Century

Cheddar goes around the world.

By now it is not only popular with the English but has gone all over the world.

Today is worth celebrating by eating some of one of the greatest cheeses around. 

Here is some trivia about cheddar cheese:

  • Queen Victoria of England was presented with an enormous wheel of cheddar cheese on the occasion of her wedding to Prince Albert in 1840. The wheel weighed more than 1,000 pounds – which means she probably didn’t eat it all herself.

  • Cheddar cheese’s colour naturally appears in a range from white to yellow. The orange colour in modern cheese is added purposefully by some cheesemakers. 

  • The record for the largest cheese sculpture was made from cheddar in Louisiana in 2018 when a 3100-pound chunk of cheese was carved into the shape of an alligator wearing a chef’s hat and frying a turkey! The cheddar sculpture was then cut up and sold to the public.

  • Not to be outdone by Queen Victoria, US President Andrew Jackson once served a wheel of cheddar cheese at The White House party. Remarkably, it weighed more than 1400 pounds.

Looks yummy for breakfast.

You can buy all sorts of cheddar in the shops including pre-wrapped cheese slices - OMG, not even sure they are cheese, to be honest, and a lot are coloured.
The only way to enjoy cheddar is a good strong one cut off a block with some nice crackers.

Well, today seems a good day to maybe hold a cheddar cheese tasting party, a few bottles of wine and some different cheddars and a few friends. Sounds good to me!

Whatever you do today do eat some cheddar, make it a good one and enjoy.

So post all things cheddar cheese related, pics, gifs, music and let us know what you think of this wonderful cheese. 

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


👏Just Because👏


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