❓🤔I Forgot❓🤔

Now, what did I come in here for? How often do we say that and have to retrace our footsteps to help us remember? And that does seem to work for some reason. Or get home from shopping and say damn, I forgot such and such? That I don't do cos I write a shopping list, but I know people do.

It is very odd, we often forget the things worth remembering and remember the things best forgotten!

As we get older, our short-term memory begins to fade, but we tend to remember things from long ago. This happens to us all.
The things to watch for, though, are if it happens too much, or you keep going to say something and forget what you were saying, or can't remember a word or the name of something. Then some attention should be paid to it to see what is happening.

Most people have trouble remembering birthdays, anniversaries or appointments, so a calendar is always useful. I have 2 one in my office for disqus stuff and one in the kitchen for birthdays etc. I also use my computer calendar a lot.
A notepad is always handy for jotting odd things down on, ie jobs to do, phone calls to make etc. and for a quick reminder, there are those sticky notes. To me they are a waste of time, easier to look at calendar or notepad, they look messy and are forever falling off where you stick them.

The worse thing is that if it is something like music or somebody's name you tend to remember it about 3 am!!

Ok, let's have some fun today and let us know how much you actually forget, and let’s post all things relating to forgetting, in the form of pics, gifs and music, etc.

All are welcome.
And please feel free to share all discussions you enjoy.


Good sense of humour, love animals, and good music


🍫🍫It’s Chocolate Day 🍫🍫


🥬🥬Eat Brussels Sprouts Day🥬🥬