Community Guidelines

I would ask all people using this discussion community to read and abide by the following rules.
Thank you.


1. Please respect the mods and their decisions at all times. They put in long hours and a lot of behind-the-scenes work so that you may have a fun and enjoyable experience here.

2. NO political or religious commenting, please. This is a non-political site, and we try to keep things lighthearted here.

3. Comments containing inappropriate content will be removed. We endeavour to keep this a family-friendly place, so inappropriate content in any shape or form - either contained in memes, videos or typed text - will be removed and a warning given. Indecent images will also be removed immediately and will result in an instant and permanent ban.

4. Everyone has their own opinion on aspects of life. No one is expected to share everyone else's opinions on any given subject, but I do ask that you respect your differences. They are what make us individuals and this world a more interesting place. Courtesy and mutual respect cost nothing.

5. To protect this community from harassment by trolls, downvotes are disabled here, and the site currently runs on pre-moderation, meaning all comments made by new accounts will be placed in pending until they can be reviewed by a mod and approved if appropriate. This will be done as soon as possible, but there may be some delays at times. Regular users will be whitelisted so they can bypass the pre-moderation filter. This also protects a user from getting comments spammed by the spam filter.

6. Bullying, stalking, or harassment in any shape or form will not be tolerated on this website, and any person entering here intending to abuse another person in any way will be instantly banned. Multiple identity users using new accounts in an attempt to circumvent an existing ban will be banned instantly without warning.

7. The posting of images (personally owned ones or ones from the Internet) and music and other videos from YouTube are permitted, but any inappropriate ones will be deleted and further action taken, if necessary.

8. Inappropriate comments will be deleted, but generally, a polite warning will be given before any further moderation, such as a ban, takes place. You will not receive a warning in cases of posting spam comments or in cases where it is blatantly obvious that you are posting here for the sole purpose of harassing other posters and causing problems. 

9. Please do not discuss other Disqus users here in a negative way, whether they comment here or not. Such comments will be removed, and other action may be taken if the behaviour is repeated after warning.

So basically, for the sake of harmony on this site, please keep everything fine, family-friendly and fun.

Thank you!